Transition Time

My name is Reid Griffith. For eight years, I served as the President and co-owner of Equipt Aquatics, a commercial pool business based in Austin, TX. My brother and I started this company from scratch when I was 24 and he was 21. As of 2022 we had built it into a multi-million dollar machine, but sometimes life happens and sometimes you date a traveling nurse.

In August of 2022 my girlfriend became my fiancé and so leaving everything behind and starting new was an inevitability. At that point, we had a Fifth Wheel but no truck to pull it and no guaranteed jobs lined up. Having never driven a 40+ foot, 16,000 lb trailer we committed to move away from a place we called home for most of our adult life.

Real Estate is basically just math and materials.

Purchasing and rehabbing a property comes down to a calculator. If the numbers make sense then we do it, removing emotion from the table. Purchasing distressed properties allows everybody to win. The home owner is recouping equity in their property, agents, contractors, and many more are earning a living, and at the end, a family will get to enjoy a new home to live in.

When we’re not doing math we are trying to explore as much of this beautiful country as possible, and beyond. We took most of the pictures featured on this site ourselves from the ground, water, and sky. Some are real estate related and others we think just look cool. Teaching financial literacy and ways to build wealth is something that can change your family dynamic FOREVER. We strive to work with people of all backgrounds, age ranges, and states to grow wealth together.