Reid Griffith Reid Griffith

In Defense of the Landlord

Although there are plenty of other benefits with owning real estate, a word to the newbie investor; if you plan on quitting your job to buy, renovate, and rent out a single house (which can very well cost you an entire year’s salary) in order to break free from the rat race - consider this.

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Reid Griffith Reid Griffith

Out of state investor = Local

I am a remote investor which means I invest in properties, from a market I do not live in. Often times when sending out mailers I will include a message that says something along the lines of ‘I am a local investor, are you interested in selling your house?’. If people look me up they’ll see my mailing address is based in Indianapolis and will call me up to say “RAWWWWRRRR. You’re not local, you’re from Indianapolis!” First off, this is all my fiance’s fault but I digress.

I am local and here’s why.

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Reid Griffith Reid Griffith

Home Flippers, Vultures of the Housing World

Most of us have seen the dirty winged creature lurking from a tall light post or circling high above its prey. Vultures have always carried with it the ominous stigma of death and disease, a vile creature living in the shadows. Even Charles Darwin called them ‘disgusting’. In spite of the reputation the vulture has earned, it is one of nature's misunderstood, unsung heroes. While the panda bears and baby giraffes get applause and attention, vultures are doing the dirty work.

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Reid Griffith Reid Griffith

Turning A $27,000 Crypto Loss into a Profit

Buying and selling Crypto can feel like a war. Sudden gains followed by equally significant losses makes your heart skip a beat. Add in targeted news stories, algorithmically intended to confirm your deepest desires and draw on your biggest fears, and you don’t know which way is up. Crypto millionaires guarentee ‘Bitcoin to $100,000’ while old geezers like Warren Buffet scoff at the concept of a digital currency. “Don’t invest in something you don’t understand” Buffet has been known to preach.

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